Whatever woes the College of Psychologists want to assert toward Jordan Peterson, he will not bend the knee. The college already knows that Dr Peterson will not sheepily follow their orders. It is a formality on the path to de-platforming and canceling the true and right Dr JP. Sadly, for the College and sadly for the P. M. Justin, this WILL backfire, and elevate Peterson to epic heights, one of the saviors of humanity. His wife knew this long ago. Wish I could know her.

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So one of if not THE greatest psychologists and brilliant minds in Canada may have his license suspended. For what? Saying what most of us are thinking and also saying?

Fat chance for the college of psycho's. I doubt very much Dr. Peterson will be intimidated.

More likely he'll wind up exposing more corruption.

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Here is where we are at the moment.


As far as any sane person is concerned, the College of Psychologists and the College of physicians ARE iN fact captured and need to be ousted!!!

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The college can go to hell, bunch of liberal backers. JBP is right in so many ways and Trudeau is wrong as proven by his destructive policies and support of the WEF NWO... 2023 we take back our country!

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How we gonna do that? Are we going to storm the doors and walls of parliament?Take Trudeau hostage? Or are we going to perhaps all move to Alberta and set up a sovereign country? A simpler and more assured way is to convince the NDPers and Liberals that this dog and pony show needs to stop.Its going to take money. Lots of money and hard work. We want to bury the opposition and use a majority government to undo the Liberal policies. That’s how we take back our country.

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Not a bad idea to move to Alberta & work for freedom from the lefties who want power & authority over all of us falsely claiming they know what’s good for us & care for our everyday needs.We are tired of all this misinformation fed daily to us by these hypocrites

Jordan Peterson is a non conformist and extremely intelligent person who will not be stopped for telling the truth. Trudeau and his party and those other party followers need to be voted out. They are destroying Canada& our freedoms& it’s a shame some media & this college support Trudeau etc.& are against free speech. Are they so afraid of losing the support they Receive from the above.?? Disgusting move.

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Either that, Bos, or we move forward to dividing Canada up the middle. Run a line N - S through Sudbury, with the West becoming a place that thrives on democracy, small Government and free speech. The NDPLiberals can have central Canada.

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Sad part is most Canadians don't realize yet that Jordan Peterson is fighting for them. Rural Canadians have woken, but the urban dwellers are comfortably numb.

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Lots of people I know - liberals - hate peterson - when I ask them why they have no idea they just hate him...

Cuz BBCCNN told them to hate him.

Similarly I challenged an American Democrat Party support re why he hates Trump ... can you name 3 policies that make you hate him (I believe all politicians are powerless and controlled by a higher entity so this discussion is just for my amusement)...

He could not. He came back later and said he did not like that Trump had rolled back the Cuba policy... I asked him why that was such a big deal... don't you think rewarding a communist regime by sending tourist to them is a bad idea? He says - they are poor - some will get jobs... I said - there are lots of poor countries in that area -- it's a zero sum game - you send people to Cuba and jobs will be lost in other countries that might be more deserving of rewards...

Do you have any other policies that you'd like to discuss?


It's kinda fun running these MORE-ONS around by the nose... no wonder they immediately complied with the Safe and Effective Vaccines...

Amusingly the Democrat was pushing me hard... telling me I needed to do it to stop the spread -- got all the Whatsapp messages saved.... and reminded him of that when it failed to stop the jabbed from getting covid.

He cancelled me over that.. it's been roughly a year... without contact -- he's been a friend for nearly two decades...

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Yeah I had a friend since 8th Grade, he became a doctor... Took 4 of The Lethal Injections.. didn't like it too much when I kept telling him what he was seeing on the Emergency Wards was good old flu or colds, that "Long Covid" was flu-hangover or hypochondriasis (ie "malingering whiners")...

When I sent him the videos of nurses in empty wards dancing up a storm he abruptly stopped emailing me. No sense of humor. None. 🤔

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The stupid never have a sense of humour. Doctors used to have a sense of humour I thought. Perhaps those that did just got out and became full time comedians.

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From what I've seen and experienced these people are so complacent and stupid they richly deserve what they've done to themselves.

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Ah but he can’t be stripped of his knowledge now can he..... Galileo much !!! 🤦🏻‍♂️

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You can edit your post (to correct spelling etc) buy clicking on the 3 dots next to 'collapse'. I do this all the time.

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and in the context you used, buy should be spelt "by"so I guess the dots aren't working.....

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Dots work fine, our brains, well...Oopsie!

When I read Joe's comment, he'd made the same comment but without the 'w' on 'now' immediately underneath. Using the dots is easier than retyping the comment. I guess the original comment got pushed further down the page so perhaps you didn't see it.

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These arrogant organizations need to be filtered and moderated. In spite of BC being desperately short of Nurses, the BC College of Nurses & Midwives is almost identical, spending a fortune persecuting a nurse because she expressed her personal opinions on social media. Power and authority eventually corrupt, even strong people. Look at the Liberal Government, and it is led by an petulant immature narcissistic man-child. Corrupt and out of touch with reality. They seem to live in their own imaginary dream worlds.

This arrogant College of Psychologists is disturbingly similar to the Hockey Canada cartel. They got disbanded.

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I managed to extract this anagram from 'College of Psychologists of Ontario'.

fog loo arse shit loopy egos conflict

I'll go with that.

I am from the UK and I see what you mean about.Hockey Canada and sexual misconduct cases.

'yea a hand cock' is an anagram. i suppose that makes them a load of, what's word, I forget.

Anyway, I'll go with that too.

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Wow... we need to be sure the College hears our public displeasure. Jordan is a national treasure. They've got their heads up their presumptuous asses. In any case, Jordan can speak as an experienced psychologist whether they acknowledge his credentials or not. In some way this makes his opinions and analysis' all the more credible...

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JBP has been getting in hot water over his Tweets for a while but in many cases it seems to simply be because he's mentioning elephants in the room. The response from Trudeau's "CCP West" is just predictable at this point.

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Jordan Peterson is a man of unbridled wisdom. They threaten him because they fear him.

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Yup. His essential message is: Take responsibility for your life. Terrifying to the medical/psycho establishment.

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this is outrageous when did we descend into state run government. This has to stop we have the right to speak and have opinions,.

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Peterson doesn't go far enough. He understands and articulates well the dangers of the girlboss far left that's driving the West into a ditch, but he doesn't see or does not articulate the bigger picture.

These people running the West don't just think others are interchangeable (so you can swap out random competent men with random incompetent women and minorities), they don't even think other people are human beings - just cogs. That's why they feel free to go even further than equal outcome identity politics and inject experimental meds into unwilling adults and children. They're even worse than communists.

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I believe he does go far enough, and will go even further should the "college" push him out.

Example: a few years ago when "12 Rules for Life" was published, JBP perfectly articulated the dangers of totalitarians who have evil running through their veins instead of blood, sociopaths who are incapable of understanding and respecting Being.

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I have not read it, so I cannot comment. However, his initial stance on the vax led me to believe he doesn't see or is unwilling to say how deep this ideological rot goes. Gender feminism is the tip of the iceberg. Maybe I am wrong. He's smarter and more well read than I am.

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Just seeing your response, my apologies, efficiency has taken a back seat to relaxing at this age. To be clear, I felt your original comment about "These people running the West" was spot-on, and should have said so. I didn't realize how much Peterson understood until 12 Rules for Life, how his masterwork Maps of Meaning informed it, and his overall enormous grasp of history. I wasn't aware of JBP's initial stance on the vax but am guessing his nose wasn't in the research every day like mine. Soon enough, though, he realized what was going on, and how "Event 201" was the template.

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Yes, that is because they are Nazis. Nazis took over big pharma in a big way after WW2.

Nazis and Marxists/communists all out of Germany, hence preponderance of German names in big pharma for example.



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Hopefully this backfires spectacularly on them.

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He's hovering over the target and THEY don't like it. Carry on Dr. JP.

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The irony that most of our modern day mental health problems are coming from the banks > government > education/health/pharma... ya if you're a psychologist, better dare not talk politics, you might not have any patients left if you do that!

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And don't forget the neuro-toxic big pharma drugs. The war has been against the mind and the body, both work together to destroy society.

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'mandatory social media communication retraining'...WTF??? baaahahahahahahahaaaa! oh, that's just priceless. 'retraining' would infer that he had social media communication training in the first place. more like 'brainwashing' than 'retraining.' just. wow. and, they actually think that would even work on JP? even funnier!!

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