College of Psychologists of Ontario attempt to Strip Jordan Peterson of his License.
by Marc Patrone
Canadian psychologist and author Dr. Jordan Peterson could be stripped of his license to practice clinical psychology over his sharing of political posts on social media. The College of Psychologists of Ontario which regulates the profession in his home province has disciplined Peterson over the sharing of political posts on Twitter.
Peterson says he got in hot water with the College because he retweeted posts about PM Justin Trudeau, Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre, Trudeau advisor, Gerald Butts, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern and others.
The College has ordered Peterson to undergo mandatory social media communication retraining to “modify his objectionable behavior.” It’s unclear what it is about the Tweets or the sharing of them that may violate the College’s Code of Ethics. Either way, Peterson says he will not comply.
“I have absolutely refused to do so,” said Peterson. The next step for the College is to demand he submit to an ‘in-person’ disciplinary hearing. If Peterson does not satisfy the College and commit to changing his behavior, it could strip him of his license to practice.
“Canada has been given over to the commissars,” Peterson said, “something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime.” He says he’ll make the issue public in the days ahead.
Some of the posts that may be drawing the ire of the College include one on December 24th in which Peterson tweeted out a link to Conrad Black’s column in the National Post: A moral imperative for Trudeau Liberals to resign.
Then on December 27th, he tweeted,
I learned to watch for people's psychological age during my years doing intensive clinical work. @JustinTrudeau appears to me to be perpetually 14 yrs old.

Even the German socialists have figure this out. Are you watching, @JustinTrudeau -- the man who claimed there was "no business case" for supplying our German allies, in the face of the Russian war, with LNG?

Every year that our marionette PM stays in power is a "tough year" for Canadians @JustinTrudeau @theJagmeetSingh (and the latter props him up and complains about doing so constantly)

Has Jordan Peterson become The government of Canada’s latest political target for holding the wrong opinion?
Whatever woes the College of Psychologists want to assert toward Jordan Peterson, he will not bend the knee. The college already knows that Dr Peterson will not sheepily follow their orders. It is a formality on the path to de-platforming and canceling the true and right Dr JP. Sadly, for the College and sadly for the P. M. Justin, this WILL backfire, and elevate Peterson to epic heights, one of the saviors of humanity. His wife knew this long ago. Wish I could know her.
So one of if not THE greatest psychologists and brilliant minds in Canada may have his license suspended. For what? Saying what most of us are thinking and also saying?
Fat chance for the college of psycho's. I doubt very much Dr. Peterson will be intimidated.
More likely he'll wind up exposing more corruption.