I have experienced a trend towards melancholy most of my life- I’ll be 70 this summer. That means I’ve also been subjected to the “climate change” propaganda all my life as well. We’ve also all been subjected to a lot of false narratives taught in schools. It wasn’t until lockdowns that I finally started reading alternative narratives that actually offer much better and plausible explanations for the state of mankind- especially the COVID hoax, chemtrails, etc etc. Our air, food and water has been compromised for decades, so I believe it’s not been simply a matter of improving diet, exercise and meditation to lift ourselves out of the doldrums: we really are under attack! I recently watched a video about the iodine crisis- that seems to be a big deal… so many alternative explanations and revelations that it’s really lifted my spirits in the sense that 1. There is truth out there- we are connecting dots; 2. There’s a large global community waking up and taking action at community, state and national levels (in Canada: the trucker phenomenon is awesome- indeed, the European farmer movement, etc). I’m noticing since July 4, clear skies over New Mexico- hope that program has been shut down!) it seems humanity may be turning a corner. I see governments in disarray, the money systems are changing, some churches are starting to speak truth about the need for Christians to be politically aware and take responsibility for keeping our freedoms— I find it all encouraging. The hard part is finding people I can discuss this with. Most of my friends are my online community of “truthers.” Anyway, I could say much more, but for the sake of brevity, I would simply encourage young people to realize we’ve been in a matrix of sorts for generations. Recognize it, push back. Compliance is not a virtue. Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God. We are not helpless victims. I may not live to see it (God does not owe me that honor and privilege), but I know there are so many patriots out there working to salvage our freedoms and build a new world once the old regimes (deep state) are removed. It’s happening. There’s nothing wrong with the young folks if they are encouraged to research, search for as many food and water healthy alternatives as possible, no jabs, wake up and take ownership of their rights. It’s an exciting time to be alive!
At 70 I am old enough to remember what society was like in the early sixties & I have lived through the massive changes in human society. My memory allows me to make comparisons based on personal experience of living & travelling in various countries over time.
There was more community and family life, stronger religious belief, stronger cultural identity, less TV and mass media, more optimism about the future in spite of the Cold War, a less degraded environment, less technology, society was less monetised & ran at a slower pace, the world was a safer place generally with less crime.
It was by no means perfect. There were problems. So we bought the lie that we needed 'progress' & to drop outdated beliefs.
Look what they fooled us into in this bright new technological world!
These people don't think straight. The answer is that dictatorship causes depression. It is not healthy to feel like anyone can betray you any minute. That's what a dictatorship is all about.
The people who submit to the dictatorship suffer the most, because they become cows. But a human is not a cow. The desires and aspirations of ruminants are essentially different than the desires and aspirations of featherless bipeds. This is an eternal and exact truth, irrefutable, necessary and sufficient, and I am trying to trigger the maoists until they vomit all the rice and pork they ate for breakfast.
When humans pretend to be dung beetles, vultures, hyenas, or iguanas, instead of being humans, just to keep alive, they end up suffering so much, that they desire to be death.
A valid public health intervention would be to end the Canadian Dictatorship and imprison all the enemies of the people, to cause them permanent affliction. Then, depression would be over, for most people. If psychologists and psychiatrists cannot recommend the morally right action, then they should not continue being psychologists or psychiatrists, and instead they should try to escape to a real country, with human rights and dignity or something like that.
Climate Change. If they have no control over it then why are we inflating the economy so badly their great grandchdren will still have to pay it off? What a scam!
The elephant in the room is "screens". Youth today didn't have a childhood. That's the time where, through play, kids learn social skills, independence, strength and boundaries. This was stolen from them and replaced by instant gratification, pings and pongs designed to activate the brain's reward system, an artificial 'community' and anonymous bullies who literally couldn't care less if they drop dead. Do you think an adult can thrive if childhood is stolen from them? This has never happened before since humanity existed. This generation of adults have really f***ed up their children and they're blaming everything under the sun but their own lazy behaviour and need to conform. I use a wired desktop computer and have no wireless, handheld technology. Neither do any of my children (15, 18, 20).
Not an elephant anymore. Many are raising that alarm. When we realize all of this is happening by design, that’s when we start connecting dots! Why have all these devices been introduced? When did all the obvious mass mind control start? I watch really old movies, for example, and can now easily detect all the propaganda! It’s been happening for so very long- we cannot truthfully claim that our parents and grandparents were not affected…. It has been a gradual infiltration of culture, but the last decades had been accelerated. Thank God for the internet— we can use this “weapon” against them! Witness these conversations! Exciting
when i drive by baseball fields in the park its has to crap to be a youth today, i wouldnt. no one throwing the ball around anymore. the parks are empty.
They need to realize that elites have been talking about climate change back in the 70s, and it's all BS. In the 70s, we were in an ice age and we were all going to freeze to death. In the 80s, it was acid rain, the pollution was going to be so bad we couldn't leave our homes. In the 90s, it was the ozone layer. In the 2000s, Earth was going to be underwater, certainly Venice and NY City (Venice has been dry more than flooded). And now it's "carbon", the very thing that feeds life into every tree and plant. Every living thing creates carbon, and they want to reduce it (and us). The only thing Gen Z needs to fear, is our government, the (lying) media, and the rich bastards of the world, who want to control and destroy us.
Brendan, a person can be gregarious and talkative but still develop and exhibit self-harm. On the other hand, a person can also be a loner but yet develop no suicidal tendencies, even when experiencing very stressful developments. What is more important to assess is the PERCEIVED CHANGE in a person’s overall mental condition. I think you should acquire some formal knowledge of psychology as it will provide you a solid framework to analyze what you perceive.
I recommend you read Carl Jung’s work. For a modern application of Jung’s monumental insight, check out the very effective and popular “Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)”. We are all different but can be more easily understood when viewed as each coming from one of a discrete number of archetypes, who then acquire individuality through life experiences. Do not treat everyone the same or you will seriously regret it. Do not assume every person thinks or wants the same things you think or want. It is also important to establish or know the baseline conditions of people when they were “healthy” in order to be able to perceive and quantify any changes to their mental conditions.
All the same, COVID and the COVID vax do greatly affect people’s mental condition and what’s important is to note the CHANGES happening to those specific persons. Micro clots in blood supply will diminish and eventually kill the tissues affected, including brain tissue. It’s bad enough that governments legalize and give out free hard drugs, without supervision or counselling. The recent exposure of man-made excuses to introduce slow poisons in the guise of preventive measures can only be seen as diabolical. It’s like the authorities want to cause rapid decline in social order and human populations.
What about the impact of being subjected to indigenous land acknowledgements (land claim acknowledgments) at the start of most public functions these days? And also many private / corporate and education meetings and classes? And not just acknowledgments now, but mini history lessons and literally being told to take some time to think about indigenous land claims? How does being told, “You are benefitting from theft and destruction, you need to think about that!”, before you watch a play or take part in a class or meeting affect one’s mental health and view of the world?
Depression reportage was significantly higher. Yes, and with such a dramatic and axiomatic declaration where is your
Cooboration? Prahaps this therapist is
Depressed and is projecting or more then likely the inteligencia knew that there needed to be alibis for the onslaught of the severe social engineering jobs store so they prepackaged these fake authoritative
Testimonies for deflection away from the obvious fact that the overt mass poisoning has begun.
Can you believe these little Mengeles?
They work assiduously to create some
Wishy-washy artical about students
Mental health quotients n order to bury
A totally irrational science-fakery that
People were already loosing their minds before the attack upon the whole world
With chemical weapons. We are to think
Mr. So and So isn't employed to create
These stealthy pithy bombshells?
Oh and my research shows people were dying of radiation sickness """before""" the atomic bomb dropped:
Oh but just take my word for it.
But you don't need to take my word for this: Look up Theodore Kapchuk
At Harvard. He's working for 25 years or more to demonstrate that what people, you know humans, think is an objective is actually more often the placebo effect? Yes the great conversion of reality into fiction absolutely is prepared for prior to the actualization
Of the attack.
Thus athletes collapsing: placebo effect: miscarriages : placebo, Hollywood actors dying of turbo cancers: well you don't understand the volubility of human nature and the actual fact that humanity is little more
Then .......auto suggestion.
Isn't it cool how the Nazis got so sensitive and intellectual instead of
Boiling you in grease they anoint you with intellectual gibberish.
Oh yes but Johnny I recall you were a bit down even before your dad died.
Oh thanx for the tip you bought and paid for academic serpent. Your intelectual honesty is ,really, the placebo effect.
I have experienced a trend towards melancholy most of my life- I’ll be 70 this summer. That means I’ve also been subjected to the “climate change” propaganda all my life as well. We’ve also all been subjected to a lot of false narratives taught in schools. It wasn’t until lockdowns that I finally started reading alternative narratives that actually offer much better and plausible explanations for the state of mankind- especially the COVID hoax, chemtrails, etc etc. Our air, food and water has been compromised for decades, so I believe it’s not been simply a matter of improving diet, exercise and meditation to lift ourselves out of the doldrums: we really are under attack! I recently watched a video about the iodine crisis- that seems to be a big deal… so many alternative explanations and revelations that it’s really lifted my spirits in the sense that 1. There is truth out there- we are connecting dots; 2. There’s a large global community waking up and taking action at community, state and national levels (in Canada: the trucker phenomenon is awesome- indeed, the European farmer movement, etc). I’m noticing since July 4, clear skies over New Mexico- hope that program has been shut down!) it seems humanity may be turning a corner. I see governments in disarray, the money systems are changing, some churches are starting to speak truth about the need for Christians to be politically aware and take responsibility for keeping our freedoms— I find it all encouraging. The hard part is finding people I can discuss this with. Most of my friends are my online community of “truthers.” Anyway, I could say much more, but for the sake of brevity, I would simply encourage young people to realize we’ve been in a matrix of sorts for generations. Recognize it, push back. Compliance is not a virtue. Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God. We are not helpless victims. I may not live to see it (God does not owe me that honor and privilege), but I know there are so many patriots out there working to salvage our freedoms and build a new world once the old regimes (deep state) are removed. It’s happening. There’s nothing wrong with the young folks if they are encouraged to research, search for as many food and water healthy alternatives as possible, no jabs, wake up and take ownership of their rights. It’s an exciting time to be alive!
At 70 I am old enough to remember what society was like in the early sixties & I have lived through the massive changes in human society. My memory allows me to make comparisons based on personal experience of living & travelling in various countries over time.
There was more community and family life, stronger religious belief, stronger cultural identity, less TV and mass media, more optimism about the future in spite of the Cold War, a less degraded environment, less technology, society was less monetised & ran at a slower pace, the world was a safer place generally with less crime.
It was by no means perfect. There were problems. So we bought the lie that we needed 'progress' & to drop outdated beliefs.
Look what they fooled us into in this bright new technological world!
These people don't think straight. The answer is that dictatorship causes depression. It is not healthy to feel like anyone can betray you any minute. That's what a dictatorship is all about.
The people who submit to the dictatorship suffer the most, because they become cows. But a human is not a cow. The desires and aspirations of ruminants are essentially different than the desires and aspirations of featherless bipeds. This is an eternal and exact truth, irrefutable, necessary and sufficient, and I am trying to trigger the maoists until they vomit all the rice and pork they ate for breakfast.
When humans pretend to be dung beetles, vultures, hyenas, or iguanas, instead of being humans, just to keep alive, they end up suffering so much, that they desire to be death.
A valid public health intervention would be to end the Canadian Dictatorship and imprison all the enemies of the people, to cause them permanent affliction. Then, depression would be over, for most people. If psychologists and psychiatrists cannot recommend the morally right action, then they should not continue being psychologists or psychiatrists, and instead they should try to escape to a real country, with human rights and dignity or something like that.
Climate Change. If they have no control over it then why are we inflating the economy so badly their great grandchdren will still have to pay it off? What a scam!
The elephant in the room is "screens". Youth today didn't have a childhood. That's the time where, through play, kids learn social skills, independence, strength and boundaries. This was stolen from them and replaced by instant gratification, pings and pongs designed to activate the brain's reward system, an artificial 'community' and anonymous bullies who literally couldn't care less if they drop dead. Do you think an adult can thrive if childhood is stolen from them? This has never happened before since humanity existed. This generation of adults have really f***ed up their children and they're blaming everything under the sun but their own lazy behaviour and need to conform. I use a wired desktop computer and have no wireless, handheld technology. Neither do any of my children (15, 18, 20).
Not an elephant anymore. Many are raising that alarm. When we realize all of this is happening by design, that’s when we start connecting dots! Why have all these devices been introduced? When did all the obvious mass mind control start? I watch really old movies, for example, and can now easily detect all the propaganda! It’s been happening for so very long- we cannot truthfully claim that our parents and grandparents were not affected…. It has been a gradual infiltration of culture, but the last decades had been accelerated. Thank God for the internet— we can use this “weapon” against them! Witness these conversations! Exciting
when i drive by baseball fields in the park its has to crap to be a youth today, i wouldnt. no one throwing the ball around anymore. the parks are empty.
They need to realize that elites have been talking about climate change back in the 70s, and it's all BS. In the 70s, we were in an ice age and we were all going to freeze to death. In the 80s, it was acid rain, the pollution was going to be so bad we couldn't leave our homes. In the 90s, it was the ozone layer. In the 2000s, Earth was going to be underwater, certainly Venice and NY City (Venice has been dry more than flooded). And now it's "carbon", the very thing that feeds life into every tree and plant. Every living thing creates carbon, and they want to reduce it (and us). The only thing Gen Z needs to fear, is our government, the (lying) media, and the rich bastards of the world, who want to control and destroy us.
Brendan, a person can be gregarious and talkative but still develop and exhibit self-harm. On the other hand, a person can also be a loner but yet develop no suicidal tendencies, even when experiencing very stressful developments. What is more important to assess is the PERCEIVED CHANGE in a person’s overall mental condition. I think you should acquire some formal knowledge of psychology as it will provide you a solid framework to analyze what you perceive.
I recommend you read Carl Jung’s work. For a modern application of Jung’s monumental insight, check out the very effective and popular “Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)”. We are all different but can be more easily understood when viewed as each coming from one of a discrete number of archetypes, who then acquire individuality through life experiences. Do not treat everyone the same or you will seriously regret it. Do not assume every person thinks or wants the same things you think or want. It is also important to establish or know the baseline conditions of people when they were “healthy” in order to be able to perceive and quantify any changes to their mental conditions.
All the same, COVID and the COVID vax do greatly affect people’s mental condition and what’s important is to note the CHANGES happening to those specific persons. Micro clots in blood supply will diminish and eventually kill the tissues affected, including brain tissue. It’s bad enough that governments legalize and give out free hard drugs, without supervision or counselling. The recent exposure of man-made excuses to introduce slow poisons in the guise of preventive measures can only be seen as diabolical. It’s like the authorities want to cause rapid decline in social order and human populations.
What about the impact of being subjected to indigenous land acknowledgements (land claim acknowledgments) at the start of most public functions these days? And also many private / corporate and education meetings and classes? And not just acknowledgments now, but mini history lessons and literally being told to take some time to think about indigenous land claims? How does being told, “You are benefitting from theft and destruction, you need to think about that!”, before you watch a play or take part in a class or meeting affect one’s mental health and view of the world?
This is typical dissimulation where one
Unverified source " slips-in" an assertion
That before Covid the suicidal and or
Depression reportage was significantly higher. Yes, and with such a dramatic and axiomatic declaration where is your
Cooboration? Prahaps this therapist is
Depressed and is projecting or more then likely the inteligencia knew that there needed to be alibis for the onslaught of the severe social engineering jobs store so they prepackaged these fake authoritative
Testimonies for deflection away from the obvious fact that the overt mass poisoning has begun.
Can you believe these little Mengeles?
They work assiduously to create some
Wishy-washy artical about students
Mental health quotients n order to bury
A totally irrational science-fakery that
People were already loosing their minds before the attack upon the whole world
With chemical weapons. We are to think
Mr. So and So isn't employed to create
These stealthy pithy bombshells?
Oh and my research shows people were dying of radiation sickness """before""" the atomic bomb dropped:
Oh but just take my word for it.
But you don't need to take my word for this: Look up Theodore Kapchuk
At Harvard. He's working for 25 years or more to demonstrate that what people, you know humans, think is an objective is actually more often the placebo effect? Yes the great conversion of reality into fiction absolutely is prepared for prior to the actualization
Of the attack.
Thus athletes collapsing: placebo effect: miscarriages : placebo, Hollywood actors dying of turbo cancers: well you don't understand the volubility of human nature and the actual fact that humanity is little more
Then .......auto suggestion.
Isn't it cool how the Nazis got so sensitive and intellectual instead of
Boiling you in grease they anoint you with intellectual gibberish.
Oh yes but Johnny I recall you were a bit down even before your dad died.
Oh thanx for the tip you bought and paid for academic serpent. Your intelectual honesty is ,really, the placebo effect.