There are far darker days ahead for Canada. The bill of rights is routinely ignored by the WEF corrupted government and the WEF corrupted courts. A few families misrule in Canada and need to be arrested along with the vast majority of the "Royal" Canadian mounted police that are enabling them.

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I followed all the postings on YouTube while it was happening. I was so proud of the truckers.

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Living in SE Alaska just a 40 mile drive to the Canadian border I always held out hope that if things ever got bad enough in the states that we could see Canada as a sanctuary, even apply as refuge status. Such a thing is not without precedence. Slaves made it there and were free. Vietnam War draftees went there so as to not fight in a military industrial war they did not believe in. Sadly those thoughts have been dashed, at least for now, but these situations are fluid and it is my hope that Canada will self right and once again be a place that I, as an unvaxxed person will be able to cross into and enjoy the freedom and generous hospitality of the Canadians as I once did. We are all Canadian truckers now.. Peace.

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Why was my comment deleted. If I cannot speak on this forum, I cannot support it!

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Why was my comment deleted?

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

The criminally, corrupt federal Liberal government rewarded Provincial Premier's with cash payments to turn on the people of our country. They all need to be held accountable. Criminal activity in our layers of government(s) need to be stopped and let's insist they are 'drained from the swamp' and charged. All involved need to have serious consequences to change / remove government corruption & remove the 'Thieves & Liars'. They should ALL lose their pensions, no If's and's or Butts!

Our current political systems & governments need to go!

Trudeau invited the U.N. and W.E.F and have allowed them to inflatrate our country & OUR Canadian government that is currently sitting in Parliament.

They all need to be turfed out of power, so Canadians can elect politicians who will work for the people!

Our current greedy government intentions are to force vaccines & forced restrictions, including mandates. Rules for us but not for them.

Under Justin Trudeau, he has empowered Health Canada to push the narrative to Public Health in each province instructing the Physicians & General Surgeons to push Canadian doctors to genocide people of our country. Canadians have been faced with Genocide & Euthaniza by the multi-layering of political Ministries in Canada over the last 3-years.

The Genocide and Euthaniza was approved with narratives being of our PM's and was aggressively pushed by Justin Trudeau.

Aprox - October 30, 2022. In BC Public Health announced two or 3-days ago - Recommending people wear masks while in indoor spaces .... Here we go again into year three. #JustSayNo






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Thought you migt be interested in this piece I posted on my substack, The Intrepid Viking, taking Doug Ford to task for announcing he still stands shoulder to should in supporting Trudeau's use of the Emergencies Act on the Convoy, as the Commission Inquiry gets underway.https://substack.com/inbox/post/79954626

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Trudeau is such a two faced hypocrite. If the protests are on his 'woke' list of virtue signalling causes, like the Black Lives Matter protests, right at the height of the pandemic, he's there to take a knee for the photo op. When it's 'unmarked graves', that have never been excavated to confirm that the bodies indigenous children from residential schools actually lie there, he again is there to take a knew, and look ever so solemn for a photo op. But threaten his authority, challenge him in anyway, and look out, here comes the vengeful, narcisstictic coward that he has always been. He wasn't man enough to face the Convoy, so he hid and use his power in a vengeful, unlawful and dictatorial way. He is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

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Can’t wait to get it and read it

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The Truckers freedom convoy scared the piss out of Trudeau. They united Canadians across racial, ethnic, and regional lines against Trudeau and his tyrannical covid mandates. The elites are few, we are many. The only way they can keep control is by making us fight each other. Hence the extraordinary effort to vilify and marginalize the truckers and their freedom movement. It's not going to work.

I can tell you one thing, observing how the RCMP behaved in Ottawa, I lost a lot of respect for them. That makes me a little sad.

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Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, Thanks for fighting for TRUTH praying

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Just wanted to let you know that the linked YouTube video seems to be the wrong one.

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