It has just been over six months since the Trudeau Regime, the RCMP, Ottawa police and various other police forces violently, without just cause, targeted participants of the most peaceful protest in Canadian history - the Freedom Convoy. The Canadian government has targeted Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich twice, by arresting her and then re-arresting her for essentially what under the law is a bylaw violation or the legal equivalent of a parking ticket.

During Canada day, the government and law enforcement were prepared for an all out battle, an invasion of what they would try to label 'insurrectionists' and protect our democracy. The rhetoric has become so extreme it is comical at this point. The hysteria was palpable. Corporate fake news media organizations were on sight, taking B-roll footage of random cars driving by to go get groceries, discussing the alarming dooms day scenarios ahead.
The mayor of Ottawa was seemingly auditioning for a movie roll in the sequel to The Day After Tomorrow, where phantom trucks would try to take your children. All alarming and scary stuff to which most of us in the trucking world or involved in Freedom Convoy, looked at each other, shrugged and thought, they are really desperate for a boogyman aren't they?
Yet on Canada Day 2022, Ottawa was a ghost town, and the only insurrectionists present were in military vehicles with RCMP decals, law enforcement impersonating military personal, while Trudeau yet again was presumably hiding in a bunker somewhere. The only event that occurred was the arrival of a Canadian Veteran, James Topp who began a march to Ottawa from British Colombia during the last few days of the convoy. He gave a speech, everyone cheered and then went home to celebrate the remainder of the weekend with their families.
Once again, the government and law enforcement appeared as foolish authoritarian children having a temper tantrum. The government apparatus appeared like nothing more than an illegitimate dictatorship looking for any excuse to oppress its citizens. This was all occurring while Tamara Lich sat in a jail cell again after claims she violated a bail term by shaking a volunteer’s hand and taking a picture together while in the presence of legal council and having been granted permission to attend in a previous bail hearing. An award ceremony that put at risk a five-foot-tall indigenous grandmother in a hyper politicized Canada. All of this being the backdrop for justification for swat teams in a militarized Ottawa.
After 6 months, where are we? Much has changed. Almost all regulations, provincial passport apps, mask mandates and other extremist policies have been dropped. The RFPs for quarantine facilities have been abandoned and the appetite for covid hysteria is all but vanished amongst most Canadians apart from the federal government, which is desperately clinging to the digital passport app and vaccine mandates.
However, now the global mockery of the Trudeau regime is unprecedented. Never in Canadian history have we had such embarrassing leadership, and one might argue illegitimate, to the point were Lloyd Christmas impersonator, Justin Trudeau is seen as the most ideal third person to make Dumb and Dumber into the trio with Prime Minister Dumbest. The entire world has seen the veil of the Liberal Party branding machine torn off so viscerally that not only does the Prime Minister not have any clothes, but he also lacks any appendage between his legs. The hollowest empty vessel of a world leader is more transparent than clear glass to the point he is now invisible and things are about to get interesting.
I have said repeatedly since March of 2022 that Canada would have another federal election before the end of 2022. Not only have I held to this prediction seeing no change in the circumstances, but I am now starting to witness this become part of the cultural zeitgeist. Friends I have in media are contacting me now saying, "you know, I think you might be right about an election."
There are three reasons I believe we are likely to have an election in Canada this year.
1. Currently, the conservative party of Canada is having a leadership race. There is great concern within the PMO that Pierre Poilievre could become leader. This is extremely concerning to the PMO because during parliamentary sessions, Mr. Poilievre attacks are the few instances where question period has transformed from ineffective, useless, antiquated theatre to a complete dressing down of Trudeau's plastic character for all to see. Mr. Poilievre has done this more effectively and consistently than anyone alive today. The Trudeau regime cannot stomach Pierre Trudeau's stepson effectively exposed for any sustained period, let alone for another two plus years. They can only hide Justin from parliament for so long until even his own people begin asking questions, as they are begging to now.
2. The NDP Liberal coalition that NDP leader, Jagmeet Singh said is not a coalition two days after announcing it, is built on a foundation of marshmallows. NDP members who I have spoken to particularly during the Freedom Convoy felt like Sellout Singh, as his own Silkh community now refers to him, stabbed all his party members in the heart by propping up the Trudeau regime. They are embarrassed to know that Trudeau is so unpopular that their coalition is the only reason Trudeau is still involved in politics. Like all wannabe dictators, Trudeau is dependant on behind the scenes deals with the "opposition," helping to manipulate loopholes and backroom deals to remain in power. I recommend reading Rule for Rulers for a better understanding of this phenomenon by Arnold J. Meltsner.
3. Tamara Lich and I have both been asked to testify in a parliamentary commission investigating the Trudeau regimes invocation of the emergency measures act. Their strategy will be simple, to attempt to label and brainwash the general public into believing that the Freedom Convoy where racists, antisemites, bigots, XXXphobes or whatever pejorative label they hope will stick. Unfortunately for them, the invocation of any law, specially one like martial law, must be justified legally and not with subjective rhetoric and labels. These hearing are set to be televised live throughout the duration. What better way to distract from these hearings than to call an election and campaign on rhetoric that is the opposite of the testimony and evidence presented during the hearings. Deflection stating the opposite of reality, is the secondary weapon consistently used by the Trudeau propaganda machine.

The Trudeau regime is in very serious trouble and that includes of all the behind-the-scenes decision makers who should be concerned. The unprecedented action to invoke Canada’s equivalent to martial law and freeze the assets, bank accounts, insurance and any means of transacting in fiat money of citizens not charged with any criminal act, is a concern to everyone no matter where you sit on the political spectrum.
Trudeau, Freeland, and Doug Ford have all built a template for any government to now have the "tool" to bankrupt Canadians immediately, regardless of their financial status, if they have a dissenting political voice. It is only a matter of time until this unprecedented move hits activists like a boomerang as Trudeau, Freeland, and Doug Ford have legally banned all social activism subjectively. It is for this reason that the final knife to be put into the heart of Justin Trudeaus political career will be from Liberals who want to go back to being Liberal, and for life to go back to normal. No Canadian wants sustained chaos. Sustained chaos is now the legacy of the name Trudeau.
Looking on from the states and praying for all you patriots.
Excellent analysis! Just want to share that even if I am a québécois, I am also a member of CPC, just voted for P. Poilièvre and fully aligned with all that is written in this article. The “conservative” values have some considerable support in Quebec (but MSM are trying to shadow it). If we unite, instead of divide, we will surround them from East and West, and get rid of this wefonderland government. Hold the line!