Sep 9Liked by Benjamin J. Dichter

Yeah I was already on the fence about Tucker and that Cooper interview just shot his credibility for me. I think he still does some groundbreaking stuff now and then but his misses when he had them (not infrequently) are like more than a mile

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Sep 9Liked by Benjamin J. Dichter

A good follow on X/Twitter, Churchill expert and debunker of revisionists:


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Disagree with the piece. I’ve been loving Tucker’s content and found the interview with Cooper to be fascinating. To me, the World War 2 narrative of “good vs. evil” is childish and hollow. I feel that it leaves humanity naive and prone to an endless cycle of wars. I think describing WW2 as an extension of WW1, and a time in which humanity collectively lost its mind, is a much healthier and true view of events. I think it’s important to acknowledge the atrocities committed by the allies, and how this helped serve the communist and lead to their expansion through Eastern Europe. I understand people’s desire to cling to the good guy vs. bad guy narrative, but life is much more nuanced than the Marvel comic version we were taught in government schools. I personally can’t wait for Coopers full project to come out so more depth as to the true nature of events can be revealed.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9

Many historians have pointed out the errors and faults of the western powers. There was a very popular novel entitled "Slaughterhouse-Five". The conceit, that somehow there has been a mythic pure good vs evil WWII, is a fallacy. But the intentional obliteration of millions of civilians is something that cannot be rationalized, at that level it is just evil. And, ultimately Cooper's narrative was filled with info that was factually incorrect and distorted.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9

I am very disappointed in Tucker Carlson's use of his vast platform. Sadly, I think he has anti-semitic leanings which he has veiled but has recently been seeping out. On Fox, he would, at times, have some very interesting guests and interviews, and other other times not so interesting, and I may have disagreed with his ideas but at least I didn't feel he was peddling a distorted and dangerous view of the world. Now he frightens me.

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Self-proclaimed historian Benjamin Dichter - please share with us your theory on why "goodguy" Churchill supposedly entered the war to defend the territorial integrity of Poland but somehow at the end of the war ended up turning it over to "badguy" Stalin?

Also, you are grossly misrepresenting what Cooper said. He never even implied that Hitler was a victim. This piece of yours is simply a toilet-swirl of Russia, Hitler, Tucker and Conservatism with obvious intent.

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There are many books written about this. What’s clear is that Churchill was very unhappy about the deal at Yalta, felt forced by Roosevelt under the circumstances

and that Roosevelt was in the last stages of an illness that people suspect impaired his judgment.

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Sorry but I think it’s you who’s confused over WW2 and the holocaust.

Tucker devoted many a video in defence of the truckers and shaming of the govt, Turdo in particular.

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Yes, I was on his show.

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Hi Benjamin. I supported the Convoy with $2000.00 and was proud to do so. I should note that a friend of mine who lives in Ottawa walked by your trucks every work day and saw your food kitchens handing out free food and the homeless were taking advantage and packing their knapsacks for the day. He liked your cause as well. He saw the bouncy castle and was pleased that your crew cleared the sidewalks. He had no fears at all.

What I have never seen is an accounting of were the money went. I donated after the first million was raised and as I understand only a million was released to the organizers. I only got a $500 refund. So where did the rest of the millions go? It is a dark cloud hanging over the event. My friend in the area, her father drove his rig up to Ottawa and parked away from the city centre. He never received fuel money. I have not read your book and have Tamara's here and have not had a chance to read it yet. I think you should devote a column to clarifying where the money ended up.

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I donated from the United States, just $100, Go Fund Me, that was then sequestered by Trudeau. Then the list got hacked and my name actually got in the newspaper. My friend said it was a badge of honor, and I’ll think about it that way as well, though it gave me a fright at first. But I always wondered whether you got the money after all!

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I was about to unsubscribe because I thought you were supporting Tucker Carlson. Im Jewish and feel so frightened and betrayed by the deaths he is plumbing.

Thank you for this piece

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Who were these "bad people" that Tucker shared the stage with in Canada?

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I saw the Tucker Interview and my take away was that Hitler did bad things but we could have avoided a war that cost millions of soldiers and civilian lives but at the cost of letting Hitler run a brutal facist state and kill millions of Jews. I agree with Churchill's course of action rather than Neville Chamberlain's turning a blind eye to the situation and have always felt that way. I understand Cooper and Neville Chamberlain's view points however I have never liked letting a bully invade other countries. That is inviting more bullying and countries being swept up. Never the less I like to see both sides, especially when the victor writes the history.

Your convoy was in some ways a similar situation, you did everything right and came out the hero at your own personal expense. There was no violence, no graffiti painting, no fear mongering. You sat there and peacefully asked to speak to the leader of Canada (who ended up hiding in an "undisclosed location"). Your convoy was the hero and Trudeau was the bad actor in this case. You did exactly what the government has asked demonstrators to do, be peaceful and engage in dialog. It was the government who refused to talk to you.

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Tucker has been telling us who he is for a long time.

Five years ago he said we should take Russia's side against Ukraine - if we had to pick sides.

Professional contrarians are incentivized into wackiness, it seems.


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