Dictatorship doesn't need a reason to be evil.

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How will this be enforced? That's a lot of people to imprison...

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Through the Human Rights Commissions who will be granted expanded powers.

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Makes sense- an inversion of truth- using human rights to subvert human rights. When do you think they'll try to get this passed? During the quiet summer months?

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Study the history of Communism: Imprisoning an entire country is not difficult. If you don’t believe me, read Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago"...

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I believe that's when they will bring back executions...

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This is the most totalitarian bill ever proposed in Canada. Potential lifetime (25 yrs) IMPRISONMENT for speech? This is complete insanity! I grew up in a communist regime (Poland) and not even that regime had thought crimes laws like Canada is proposing. What is our country becoming? In 2022 the government invoked martial law to curb peaceful protests just like communist regime in Poland in the 80s! And now proposing to criminalize speech? I am sorry to say, but I do not feel safe in this country anymore, Canada is becoming a totalitarian regime I escaped in the 80s.

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The fact that this has even Bill C63 has even been proposed is a matter of grave concern for Canadians. This reminds me of the events that led up to the imprisonment of multitudes of political prisoners in Siberia. How easy it is to forget the dire warnings of non-fictional accounts like The Gulag Archipelago.

Keep Honking for Freedom, Benjamin. Dictatorship is the alternative.

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"This must be defeated, or free society is all over in Canada". That's cute. A free society in Canada ended in 2016. It's just taken 8 years for some Canadian's to figure it out.

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Full on COMMUNISIM will be the result if this passes, trudeau is a lunatic and is totally insane. He and his government need to be voted out and reviled as the worst government ever!

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How will motivation be proven? That’s impossible.

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Proof? Not in a Cangaroo court. Only feelings matter.

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The fact that this has even Bill C63 has even been proposed is a matter of grave concern for Canadians. This reminds me of the events that led up to the imprisonment of multitudes of political prisoners in Siberia. How easy it is to forget the dire warnings of non-fictional accounts like The Gulag Archipelago.

Keep Honking for Freedom, Benjamin. Dictatorship is the alternative.

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You can't be serious, Canada!

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Communism written all over this bill if allowed to pass! Now is the time for all opposition politicians to say no, not on their watch!

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Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four" re-written by Franz Kafka. Time to delete my Substack, my Google account, my blog ("Sex Diary of an Oboist") and track down a program that will find and obliterate anything I ever posted online, anywhere... 🤔

Of course some tech-savy Woketard could still nail me, using The Wayback Machine... 🙄

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This will become the United States if Democrats have their way!!! Wake Up now! 🇺🇸😢

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You and Scott Adams got it wrong. It is section 320.1001 that authorizes life imprisonment for an act of hate. It is section 810.012 that refers to thought crimes and it does not authorize any imprisonment at all for thought crimes. Read the bill yourself:


This bill is bad enough as is. By making false claims about it, you give our opposition ammunition to say you are lying about the bill. Please be smart.

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Section 320.1001 section says "Advocating genocide

318 (1) Every person who advocates or promotes genocide is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life" isn't that criminalization of speech? This is your "act of hate" - speech. Not a murder based on hate. Speech.

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You're right. That part is speech. Thank you for catching that and bringing it to everyone's attention. I apologize to Benjamin Dichter and Scott Adams for falsely accusing them based on my own inadequate research. Thank You Margaret!

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No problem, these traitors intentionally trying to mislead the people. We can not trust even one word they say!

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Depending on the group making the complaint, motivation will be the accused person's status & the harm caused will be based on the accuser's special interest group status. The advancement of socialism in Western society by progressive ideology, with Canada leading the way.

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Dominus Videt

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New governments can repeal Bills… No?

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