Why Politicians Call Trudeau "A Dictator of the Worst Kind."
The Communist Guerrilla Connection
I'm writing this on March 28th 2022, over the gulf of Mexico, on the late flight from Miami to Colombia contemplating everything that has happened since Tamara first called me to ask me to help the Freedom Convoy.
Last night, on May 27th, I hosted a Twitter space with radio legend Marc Patrone. We discussed some of what the Trudeau government has done to destroy the reputation of Canada on the world stage, to the point where Members of European Parliament have openly criticized him as a dictator, and how his presence shouldn't even be accommodated in their chamber.
Finally, it seems people are starting to see what many of us have been warning about for years when we refer to Trudeau a Modern Communist. When we say “modern communist” we are not referencing Lenin, and the Bolsheviks coming to storm the capital with an army of red flags. We're referring to the subversive and indoctrinated modern communists who dominate university campuses and often squat at the local Starbucks contemplating which brand of socialism is the most peaceful.
Just a few days ago, Gustavo Petro, of the former head of a violent far-left Communist organization, FARC, known for kidnapping and assassinating innocent victims on television, has declared his candidacy for president in the upcoming Colombian election.
And then I remembered the connection to Trudeau. A connection that was described to me a couple of years before Trudeau was elected into office.
I began traveling to Colombia in 2003 and even lived there for a short time. On one of my many trips there, shortly before Justin Trudeau was elected leader of Canada, a friend of mine, who is extremely successful in business in South America asked me, "Why are people from your [Canada’s] Liberal Party meeting with people in our government? At such a question, I was taken aback, and asked what he meant. He continued, " They have been meeting regularly with people in our government. They are trying to help bring those Communist pieces of garbage into our government. Why is Canada doing this?" My only response was to explain that during the Chavez years in Venezuela, when he was kidnapping and killing his own people and frequently threatening war with Colombia, our far-left extremist Canadian politicians were praising Hugo Chavez for “saving the poor.”
My friend was dismayed. "What is wrong with Canadians? How can your country have such stupid people in it?" I responded they are mainly in the large cities. They call themselves “champagne socialists” and they are extremely dangerous.
2016: Stéphane Dion to attend historic peace signing in Colombia

He said, "Well please keep them there. We don't want them screwing up our country."
Fast forward to March 24th, and a conversation I had via podcast with Justin Trudeau's half-brother Kyle Kemper, about the psychology of Justin and those around him. Our talk mainly focused on Bitcoin and Blockchain technology – (more on that later) – but it was our private off the record post recording conversation that was most telling. The Justin Trudeau’s slide into extremism is clearly having an emotional toll on his family and those around him. This downward slide towards extremism is reminiscent of real life stories turned into movies like George Jung in Blow or Henry Hill in Goodfellas. Individuals that surrounded by bad people were led down a path to international drug trafficking and a life in and out of prison. Trudeau seems to have gone down the same path with far-left identarian politics, violent extremism and nefarious foreign funded organizations – everyone around him can see it. It is likely that his smug arrogance blinds him to the warning signs from those around him.
I asked Kyle what Justin Trudeau's thoughts were on Bitcoin. He said, " Justin is aware of Bitcoin, but he's all in that ‘Blockchain not Bitcoin’ camp." That terrified me. For those who do not understand Bitcoin, that simply means that Justin likes the potential for blockchain to be exploited by governments for authoritarian surveillance but has no interested in the positive attributes of freedom Bitcoin to grant Canadians financial freedom from government surveillance. The reason for my alarming reaction was also because Justin seemed to be parroting Chinese Communist Party slogans. The Chinese Communist party led under, Xi Jing Ping, famously distributed booklets across China in 2018 teaching Chinese citizens about the benefits of blockchain technology. As Xi Jing Ping described it, "China supports Blockchain not Bitcoin.
The behaviour of the Canadian government under Justin Trudeau has been completely unacceptable in a modern democracy. However, would it be in line with the philosophical world view of Trudeau and those around him? Would he fit easily within the culture of the stacks squatting modern communists? Is this why he reacted so harshly and violently towards the Freedom Convoy?
The Freedom Convoy can be credited with lighting that first spark of hope in a society that has been in significant decline. Whether it is the truckers who came to chat with us online, while almost in tears, for giving them hope, to the thousands of messages from supporters saying that the movement helped them come out of deep depression caused by adversarial government policy resulting in economic collapse in parts of Western Canada. People who were clinically depressed repeatedly thanking us for giving them a reason to live again. These touching and emotional messages were both wonderful and heartbreaking.
I think back to the time when my friend asked me why the extremists (now in power in Canada) were meddling in Colombian politics and working with violent communists several years ago. I never would have imagined that less than a decade later I would be flying back to South America questioning if I will ever be able to return to a free Canada.
I can't for the life of me understand how he has any supporters, but if Twatter is any indication he has more then he should. Who knows maybe they are being paid to support him but the last two years has opend my eye to the fact that we are surrounded by stupid people who are unwilling to see that he is a fascist and his Governemnt and policies are tyranical.
All of the elections were a setup and illegal! We need a very strong group set up to investigate corruption in our govt, medical, media and legal system! So tired of being crapped on by all these corrupt entities!