Earlier this year, I was invited to speak at Bitcoin Miami which is considered the largest bitcoin conference in the world. The reason I was asked to speak is because of the pivotal roll bitcoin played in Freedom Convoy 2022.
I mentioned during the panel discussion I took part in called War Time Bitcoin, that I believe Freedom Convoy Canada will be remembered not only as a historical moment for bitcoin, but within the sphere of global finance.
When the Freedom Convoy was created, its primary objective was to fight for our freedoms and to bring an end to vaccine mandates and digital vaccine passports. Although many within the Freedom Convoy initially struggled to comprehend the parallels of the convoy’s objective with bitcoin, it soon became clear when the bitcoin community banded together and distributed bitcoin to as many truckers as possible during the protest.
I found it ironic that the legacy media initially failed to report on the role bitcoin played in raising funds for the Freedom Convoy given their immediate obsession with the amount of money raised by the convoy’s GoFundMe campaign and then subsequently with GiveSendGo. It was only when bitcoin became a serious threat in terms of collecting donations for the convoy, did the legacy media shift its focus to bitcoin. However, they proceeded to report on it inaccurately.
It was not just legacy media that engaged in misinformation and attempted to control the narrative by painting the Freedom Convoy as a racist and illegal protest, but politicians (largely from the Prime Ministers office) went a step further and seemingly devised a scheme to engage in Lawfare through a Liberal party connected "charity.” They have filed a ridiculous $306 million harassment lawsuit because the city of Ottawa failed to enforce an Ottawa bylaw.
It quickly became clear that both the media and many politicians who are in favour of draconian vaccine mandates, had become fixated on the successful protesting of the Freedom Convoy. Legacy media’s obsession is easily explained since they rely on handouts from the government to survive. But someone, or several people within the political establishment, was smart enough to realize that if they wanted to hold onto power, the Freedom Convoy was the real opposition. A “small fringe minority” as Prime Minister Black Face Trudeau wanted to believe, developed into a political hornet’s nest he could not ignore. The Freedom Convoy raised more money than any political party in Canadian history and he knew it threatened his plans to censor Canadians and limit their fundamental rights and freedoms.
This explains the extreme and erratic response from the prime minister – from initially going into hiding and not engaging in dialogue with the Freedom Convoy organizers, to immediate escalation and turning Canada into a violent banana republic and ultimately, a global embarrassment. As one Member of the European Parliament recently described Trudeau, "a dictator of the worst kind."
As sensational as the rhetoric and the deplorable tactics used by the Canadian government was, a big part of this story was the almost $1.2 million in bitcoin raised by anonymous members of the global bitcoin community and the only money that could not be blocked by the Canadian government. The government failed to stop the distribution of bitcoin donations directly to the truckers, because bitcoin is not something that governments can control.
At the bitcoin conference in Miami when I was introduced as an organizer and spokesperson of the Freedom Convoy in Canada, the packed room of approximately 2000 people erupted in applause. The love and support for the freedom convoy was still there and it was obvious there is still a vacuum left by the convoy and what it stood for.
The media and PR team have been working with the support of the people in the global bitcoin community that want to continue the fight against authoritarian extremists in government like Justin Trudeau and the media who shamefully acted as laptop stenographers for these kinds of extremists. There is a growing appetite to once again show the world that individualism and individual sovereignty is the foundation of our society and any attempt to destroy this foundation will not be tolerated.
This is why we are announcing the launch of Honking For Freedom (www.HonkingForFreedom.org), a foundation that will raise money for legal defence for truckers that are still facing legal challenges and are unable to defend themselves, as well as a strategic legal offence against the many entities that defamed and maliciously targeted the reputations of those involved in the Freedom Convoy. Honking for Freedom will also continue the fight to end all COVID mandates and vaccine passports and encourage a royal commission investigation into the behaviour of the federal government and various police forces who violently attacked peaceful Canadian demonstrators that began on February 18th, 2022.
This foundation and the fundraising mechanism will be unique, as this may be the first foundation fighting for freedom to exclusively be funded with bitcoin donations. HonkingForFreedom.org
We know that many people are new to bitcoin and need help to not only understand how it functions, but how to purchase it, etc. However, there is no denial that bitcoin has passed the biggest test of all during the Freedom Convoy – its inability to be controlled by a government. The Canadian government failed to stop the collection and distribution of bitcoin funds to the truckers, despite being able to do so with traditional currency (a.k.a fiat money).
Please visit www.HonkingForFreedom.com to support our initiative and help us teach the legacy media and the government why they cannot trample on our freedoms. If there was ever a time to protect our fundamental rights and freedoms, it’s now. Without freedom, we have nothing.
To learn how to purchase bitcoin to donate please click the link below.
Thank you for all your love and support. Help us to continue the fight to end covid vaccine mandates and end covid passport apps in Canada, permanently. Let’s all stand together for freedom.
Bitcoin and other crypto is going to be made illegal by world central banks. They want tracking of all of humanity. Another method of barter will be needed.
Is there a way to contribute using Monero?